FAME by Justin is a chronicle of the people, places and stories that feed the conventional arts.
FAME focuses on groundbreaking artists and creative visionaries and presents them through a Modern-American Pop-Culture lens. Big city, small city and middle-of-nowhere explorations are our weaknesses. We launched the site in January 2012 and are based mainly in West Central Texas for now, but we're always down for a road trip (because road trip snacks and a good playlist is all you really need in life).
Beyond a typical lifestyle site, we've made it our mission to bring you photos that make you want to stop and stay for a while — to explore fashion trends, to discover new artists and plan your next concert road trip. To investigate what it means to be yourself. To cross state lines and to never stop exploring the arts.
We prefer oceans to lakes, and mountains to hills. We listen to our music loud and take our cocktails shaken, not stirred.
Justin Segura
Based out of San Angelo, Texas, Justin Segura is an innovator in the field of freelance photography. Through his travels around the globe, Segura developed an undeniable passion for music and art. With an understanding of diverse cultures and a leaning towards European influences, Segura portrays the conventional arts through a Modern-American Pop-Culture lens. Presently, he is exploring social nightlife, celebrities, and concert photography as mediums for his photography.
Segura’s artistic and musical family heritage inspired a creative flare in his life as well. His grandfather, Samuel C. Lara “Mr. Moon”, was inducted into the West Texas Music Hall of Fame in 1998. In addition to his grandfather’s prominence in the music scene, Segura’s father and brother are also local artists. Segura credits John Lennon’s interpretation, perspective, and contributions to art, music, and life as a substantial influence on his creative endeavors.
Segura received his Bachelor of Arts in Photo Journalism with a double major in Music from Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas. His work was published in the ASU Ram Page, the university newspaper, and the Oasis, ASU’s Art and Literary Magazine. While he is not publishing his work, Segura is continuously working on exhibitions, events and private projects through FAME by Justin. In the future, Segura plans to host art and photography exhibitions as a collaborative project with his brother, Gabriel Luckey, a local artist and painter.
Erin Marks Whitford
Katy Ralph
Public Relations/Social Media Coordinator
Hailing from Edinburgh, Scotland, Katy Ralph is the newest addition to FAME. Ralph has an undeniable passion for music through the concert spectrum.
Ralph received her Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business at Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas.
(Full bio coming soon)